英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 16:08:20
  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. a secondary school usually including 7th and 8th grades

Synonym: junior high

1. 初中:(Nursery school)及幼儿园(Lindergarden)、小学、初中(Junior high school)及高中(High school). 美国法律规定,任何学龄儿童均应进入学校就读,并提供义务(免费)的中小学教育,当然进入私立学校就读的话,便要缴付相当昂贵的学费. 有些公立中学,

2. 国民中学:以及国民中学(JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL)三年,设置国中部(JUNIOR HIGH PROGRAM)至於特殊教育(SPECIAL EDUCATION)则有专设之特殊学校,其程度分别为幼稚部、国小部、国中部、高中职四阶段.

3. junior high school的意思

3. 中学:美国的教育系统和中国差不多,也是小学(elementary school), 中学(junior high school), 高中(high school) 和大学(university or college). 在这里除了上大学,其它都是免费的. 所以这里的人家经常生3,4个孩子,上学的负担是很轻的.

Starting a new job can make us feel like we've gone back in time to our first day of junior high school.(开始新工作会让我们感到仿佛又回到了初一开学第一天。)
Mark Zuckerberg's first Website was one he created on Geocities when still in junior high school.(当时还在初中的马克·扎克伯格的第一个网站是在Geocities建立的。)
We are at the message board of an evacuation centre, which until March 11th had been the local junior high school.(当时我们正站在疏散中心的一块信息板前。疏散中心在震前是当地的初中。)
Over the long term, the bigger problem is that education beyond junior high school is financially out of reach to many families.(从长期来看,更严重的问题是初中以上的教育成本对于很多家庭来说是难以承受的。)
But continuing at junior high school in Shanghai would have created insurmountable problems for Guangyao later in life.(但在上海继续读初中会给光耀日后的生活带来难以克服的困难。)
In junior high school, my parents asked me a question.(在中学的时候,父母问我一个问题。)
A few days ago, I received a photo of my junior high school classmates, and half of my 52 classmates have already passed away.(前些天,我收到一张我初中同学的照片,我初中同班的52个同学中竟有一半已经离开了这个世界。)
Classes stopped when the junior high school was hit by the March 11 tsunami.(3月11日被海啸袭击后,学校的课程中断了。)
Working with the staff at st Brigid Elementary Junior High School, she formed a homework committee.(她和圣布里吉德小学初中高中的工作人员一起努力,组成了家庭作业委员会。)
He dropped out of junior high school.(他初中辍学了。)
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